White-Lists, Black-Lists, Hosts File, etc. | Wilders
Jun 14, 2020 · whitelist.json is a server configuration file that stores the usernames of players who have been whitelisted on a server. This file is only used on multiplayer servers. To activate the whitelist, the white-list value in server.properties must be changed to true: white-list=true. Then only the named users are allowed to connect to the server. If you are using Chrome, I would check out Whitelist for Chrome. It is easy enough to install and create rules on. I can whitelist only main domains too. By adding the WWW in front of a site, it will allow only the WWW subdomain to be displayed (www.google.com allowed but not mail.google.com). If you are using IE, it is not as simple. Feb 03, 2013 · What I did is put the config on file and include it on each virtual host config. Below is the filename and the sample content. File: /etc/httpd/block-world.conf. Order deny,allow Allow from Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Deny from all Then for each virtual host, I include the file like this: Nov 23, 2017 · Assuming your host uses the Apache web server (which most WordPress hosts do), the best way to whitelist IP addresses is using your .htaccess file. If you’re more interested in just locking down your login page via whitelisting, you can also find plugins to help you out, though they don’t offer as much control as your .htaccess file. In your Chrome policy configuration profile (.plist file): Add or update the following keys. Add the URLs that you want to deny to the URLBlacklist key. Add the URLs that you want users to access to the URLWhitelist key. Deploy the changes to your users. You can denylist and allowlist up to 1,000 URLs. Oct 14, 2014 · To whitelist a sender, add the sender to the WHITELIST sender group in the Host Access Table (HAT). You can configure the HAT via the GUI or the CLI. From the GUI. Click the Mail Policies Tab. Under the Host Access Table section, select HAT Overview, On the right, make sure your InboundMail listener is currently selected,
The Whitelist identifies specific files and processes you consider safe. For changes to a file or process on the Whitelist, the Host Sensor sends the event to TDR. ThreatSync heuristics do not include changes to files on the Whitelist as incidents or indicators. ThreatSync assigns events on the Whitelist a score of 0.
May 12, 2019 · The host name can be used instead of the computer IP address by using the hosts file to map the name to an IP address. To find the host name of a machine type the command hostname and a command prompt.(Windows and Linux) You could also use the ipconfig (windows) and ifconfig (Linux) commands. Host File Location – Windows and Linux
Hosts file sample: X.X.X.X allowed-website.com Y.Y.Y.Y cdn.asset-domain.com whitelist. share | improve this question | follow | asked Dec 27 '16 at 3:28. sdkks sdkks. 111 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. add a comment | 2 Answers Active Oldest Votes. 1. You can enforce it via GPO.
Host Whitelist Finally, the Host Whitelist also has an export feature, which allows you to save the contents of the whitelist to a CSV file. Adding Hosts to the Whitelist. To add a host to the Host Whitelist, click New on the toolbar at the top of the page. This will open the Whitelist Entry page for adding the host (see below). Editing a Whitelisted Host whitelist - Whitelisting only particular hosts on Windows Hosts file sample: X.X.X.X allowed-website.com Y.Y.Y.Y cdn.asset-domain.com whitelist. share | improve this question | follow | asked Dec 27 '16 at 3:28. sdkks sdkks. 111 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. add a comment | 2 Answers Active Oldest Votes. 1. You can enforce it via GPO.